Through the Lens of Allison Doran


With an old minolta xg1 in hand, Allison Doran has the ability to capture moments that transport us to a dream-like state. From experimenting with her mom’s camera in elementary school, to documenting her day-to-day adventures, Allison’s passions for nature, travel and people shine through each image. 

We asked Allison to curate 9 of her own photographs to share. Here is what she had to say about the collection:

“I really like experimenting with film. The whole process takes a while, which is what I think makes it so special.  From buying the film, making your way through the end of the roll, to anxiously waiting to see how they turn out when they are developed. Even if the entire roll turns out badly, if I can get one good photo, I’m happy. Every light leak, lens flare, or whatever imperfection on each photo makes it unique, and inspires me to keep shooting.”