365 Days of Surfing with Morgan Sliff
365 days of pure stoke. Hermosa Beach local, Morgan Sliff, is living the dream. Her mission inspires us all to enjoy the ocean - any time, any beach, any swell - every day.
Name: Morgan Sliff
Age: 24
Hometown: Hermosa Beach
Home Break: Hermosa Beach Pier
Tell us a little about yourself! Where are you from? What is a day in your shoes like?
I grew up and still reside in Hermosa Beach, California, the best little beach city in the whole world! A normal day for me consists of green smoothies and coffee in the morning to take on the day, a long surf sesh shortly after, and then either school or work (sometimes both). Usually I’m blasting reggae in my car on the way to the beach, and you’ll always see me in a hat, even while surfing. If I’m not at work or catching waves, I take my Loaded longboard out for a long skate or I’ll play a few rounds of volleyball.
How long have you been surfing for?
Almost 20 years!
Tell us about your relationship with the ocean - this can include early memories, growing up around water, favorite ocean activities, etc
When I was 6 I asked my mom for a surfboard for Christmas - I had never surfed before, but I knew it was going to be my favorite thing in the world. When she finally caved and got me one I ended up being right. Ever since then I have loved all things ocean related; surfing, swimming, diving, paddleboarding, sailing… the list goes on. I’m still working on my lifelong goal of being a mermaid, but I’m not quite there yet.
Date the 365 consecutive days began: July 22nd, 2015
What inspired you to set your 365 consecutive days of surfing goal? Do you normally surf every day or is this a new challenge you decided to embark on?
For the past few years I was taking life way too seriously and really lost the creative, bubbly, carefree, and happy part of myself. I used to compete and surf all the time, and recently I’d barely surfed in what felt like forever. In May of this year I ended a long, draining relationship and met some really inspirational people that motivated me to start surfing again, and I felt like I found the part of myself that I was missing. I decided I had some serious time to make up, so I decided to embark on the 365 mission, and every day has been more uplifting and exciting than the last!
Most difficult aspect of the 365 day surf mission?
I’ve had a few injuries that have made things quite interesting - I tripped over a metal plate while carrying my surfboard, and shortly after looked down to find myself standing in a pool of blood with my toenail almost hanging off - so I’ve had to really improvise and get creative a few times to be able to stand up on my board. Also, having to be very smart while traveling, or not traveling at all has been challenging. I went to visit my boyfriend in Chicago and surfed Lake Michigan (there really were waves!) but it was a little stressful trying to find a board.
Most rewarding aspect of the 365 day surf mission:
Being able to do what I’m passionate about every single day and falling more in love with the ocean with each day that passes is more than I could ever ask for. This has been a very spiritual journey for me so far, and I’m so lucky that I have the opportunity and the support system to be able to continue to paddle out each day.
Tell us about a few of your adventures - where did you go, who did you meet, what did you learn?
The first day I was visiting my boyfriend in Chicago the wind was crazy and the waves were actually pretty big, so all the rental shops were closed. We had no idea how we were going to find a board for me with no car and only our skateboards. We skated along the lake and I spotted a couple on the beach with surfboards about to leave, and we ran down as fast as we could and they graciously let me borrow a board to surf! I neglected to bring my wetsuit and went out in 60 degree water with a bikini a howling wind. I learned to always be prepared, and next time check the water temp…. oops.
What is your favorite board?
The brand new board I just got made, shaped by Jose Barahona - a 9'6 JJ Wessels model with a few unique tweaks to fit my style. Jose let me help shape it and do some of the artwork, which makes it even more special!
Where is your favorite surf spot?
Definitely Doheny State Beach in Dana point, CA. It’s such an amazing, mellow, and forgiving wave for longboarding. Pleasure Point in Santa Cruz second only because the water is always so ridiculously cold! I was surfing there once and it started snowing for a few minutes. Not hail, snow. No joke.
Favorite post-surf meal?
Brother Burritos - best burritos in California. And they come in a pair, so you get two small ones, not just one massive burrito!! Two is better than one if you ask me.
Day job: Nursing Coordinator at Little Company of Mary Hospital
Dream job: To get paid to travel around the world to surf while working on engineering projects that would help rid the ocean of marine litter.
Who or what inspires you?
I have a lot of people in my life right now that are incredibly humble and amazing individuals that make me want to be a better person every day. There are too many to list, but I really have so many friends to thank for keeping me motivated and balanced. And dolphins. Dolphins are really cool.
What does Seadom mean to you?
Letting the sea set you free. The ocean is my joy, and every day when I’m surfing or playing in the water I feel like I can let go of everything else and feel truly free.
What are you most proud of?
My contest trophies!
Favorite quote:
The waves of the sea bring me back to me.
If you could jump into a pool of anything but water, what would it be?!
Definitely a pool of puppies. But I wouldn’t jump so I didn’t hurt them!
Words of wisdom for female surfers?
Don’t ever let the guys bring you down. I’ve had a few people that would cut me off all the time just because I was a girl, and it never mattered how good of a surfer I was. It is bound to happen to any girl, just brush it off and smile because you’re probably having way more fun than them anyways.
What brings you the most happiness in the world?
Making other people happy!