100% Pure Stoke with Chloe Vetterli (Q+A)
Meet Chloe Vetterli, the Santa Cruz local who descends from a long line of nature lovers, adventurers and sea-people. Her passion for nature and adventure is contagious. After speaking with Chloe for this interview, we can accurately and scientifically conclude that she is made up of 100% pure stoke.
Name: Chloe Vetterli
Age: 21
Hometown: Santa Cruz, CA
Homebreak: Pleasure Point
Where are you from? What is a day in your shoes like?
Growing up in Santa Cruz I can easily and honestly say every day is fluidly different. That is one of the glories of this town. Though a little run through what is like in my sandals: First and foremost, Coffee. Normally followed by a walk to the beach with my furry partner in crime, in search of a morning slide. From there the rest of the day is undetermined. I strive to spend as much quality smiles and laughs with family and friends when I’m home.
Tell us about your relationship with the ocean.
I feel a strong relationship with not only surfing and the ocean, but a bond with nature and the elements. Growing up, my Mom and Dad made sure we were outside a majority of the time. Consistently going camping and always little beach bums. So adapting to nature’s ever changing climates came early and naturally. Which is ever evolving, as most surfers and travelers know how to roll with the punches.
Photo by Kevin Jansen
Day Job: I teach surf lessons for an all women surf school in Mexico
Dream Job: Traveling to surf pristine waves while bringing ocean / environmental awareness to uprise through video documentation.
Tell us a little more about your local surf spot, Pleasure Point! How would you describe the vibe/community?
Growing up, I would have my parents pick me up from school with my wetsuit and board and drop me off at the point. I didn’t care what the waves or weather was doing, full tunnel vision! I was lucky to have parents that surfed and understood my ambitious tendencies with full support.
As for the community that surrounds that small coastal cliff, it can only be justified as nothing less than a family. A strong tight-knit clan that shares an unbreakable bond and unspoken connection. From a young age I had some of the most amazing surfers take me under their wing, playing a huge role in my life at a very influential age. I have always experienced so much stoke and love radiating in the waters! That is, as long as everyone is being respectful and following etiquette.
Photo by @jordansnappingturtle
Why is San Juanico, Baja special to you? What are the waves like there?
Everything about this place is so uniquely special to me in its own way. I consider this place home. Its like taking a trip back in time to the wild west. The simplicity of the underdeveloped and pristine nature is beautifully complex. Its so freeing yet grounding, As well as humbling and consistently being reminded to stay present in life. The waves are divers in a sense that you can ride any board at any time. But I won’t spoil the secret and I’ll leave it at that.
We would love to hear more about your experience teaching surf lessons for a female surf school in Mexico! How long have you been teaching there for? What is your favorite part of the job?
I have been working with Las Olas Surf Safaris, an all women’s surf school for the past two years. It is surely a dream job beyond comparison. Being in the water all day everyday is always a plus along with all the other perks. I must say my favorite thing about this job is being able to connect with all these different females and bring surfing into their lives. I know how much it has changed my life, how many amazing people I have met along with all the breathtaking places surfing has brought me. Surfing is an intimidating sport, and looked upon to be male dominate. So through teaching these ladies about surfing, at the end of every week its the most beautiful thing seeing how these women have connected with the ocean in a way they never knew and they tend to know themselves a little better. Like I said their are many perks about this job and lifestyle.
Photo by Jordan Smith
We think it is awesome that you are passionate about videography and photography. What kind of projects to you like to work on?
Photography and Videography is a fun way of expression for me, and consolidating all those memories captured makes you feel as if your reliving those moments time and time again. I enjoy editing for the fun creative aspect I can play around with and portray a raw prospective.
I have also been fortunate to have had some freelance involvement and do projects for people and companies here and there, both videography and photography.
Photo by Jake Brown
If you were given an unlimited budget to create a documentary about an environmental issue, which would you focus on, and why?
I would focus on climate change ranging from Coral bleaching, the rising sea levels, changing species distributions, altered life styles, etc. Reason being, this is a destruction that is increasing and moving rapidly in a negative direction. In which hits a soft spot, due to the ocean and surfing being something my life is centered around. I would love to travel to bring awareness and knowledge as well as document and see the drastic changes from place to place. Our oceans are something that are so delicate and started so purely, which its sad to see how much damage has been both unconsciously and consciously inflicted.
Favorite board?
Man oh man, hardest question here….I have so many boards and love them all. They all hold a lot of meaning as I have worked along Ashley Lloyd Thompson who has supported me and thought me so much about surfboards ad board building. My go to/bring everywhere board is my 9’5 noserider grande!
Photo by Chloe Vetterli
Who or what inspires you?
Life inspires me, love inspires me, the moon and the sun inspire me. My family, my friends. Everyone around me really plays a big inspiring role in my life. The stokers, the supporters, the challengers, even the doubters. They all push me that much more and spark so creativity and ambition.
When I started surfing it was a fast igniting flame which was lit from the inspiration of watching my dad surf. As I started surfing, Ashley lloyd Thompson became a huge inspiration, role model, mentor and best friend. I admired her fluidity as a female surfer, her gracefully unique style, not to mention the drive and will power to create amazing surfboards. Ashley has always been a huge influence in my life and surfing!
Photo by Jake Brown
What does Seadom mean to you?
To me, Seadom represents a community of independent and strong-willed women who express their love and passions as they follow their hearts through surfing, traveling or just being themselves.
Favorite quotation: “Cant means you didn’t try” & “If its to be, its up to me” - My grandpa used to say those two quotes to me, and since then if I’m in doubt his words consume my doubt and pushes me to reach a little further.
Photo by Aloe Driscoll
Words of wisdom for female surfers?
Follow your heart. No matter what anyone says or how funny they look at you. If you listen to your dreams and follow your heart in honesty with trust in yourself, surely you will strive so strong. I know from experience. Remember, “If its to be its up to me”. Never dwell on the bad, the ugly, the dark or sad, cause without those there is no such thing as the good, the beauty, the light and love. It all works hand in hand in unison!
What brings you the most happiness in the world?
For me, happiness is easily achieved in a very simple manner. Mostly being around the ones I love, there is so much fuel in the laughter and company of the family and friends. Being in nature and traveling, seeing new places and different cultural lifestyles, of course new waves is always excitingly enticing.
Photo by Chloe Vetterli