Making Waves with the McDermott Sisters


Introducing Michaela and Cameron McDermott - the girls behind Making Waves, who are making waves. Sisters, best friends and true ocean lovers, these girls are inspiring young surfers, one wave at a time.


 Name: Cameron McDermott

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

School: Notre Dame Academy

Name: Michaela McDermott

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

School: Gonzaga University

This year you launched Making Waves, tell us about that. What is Making Waves? What are your goals for this program?

Making Waves is a surfing program created for young girls. We aim to promote healthy living, mentally and physically. Our goal is to create a positive and supportive environment for girls to be themselves, share memories, and learn to surf!

We recently attended a Making Waves event this summer and saw how stoked and enthused these girls were about the ocean and community you created through Making Waves. How does it feel to have such a positive impact on young surfers?


Michaela: It’s crazy to think we can have such an impact on girls just by being there for them and sharing a love for the ocean. I didn’t have a lot of girl surfers to look up to growing up, and it’s wild to think I can be that for one of these girls.

Cameron:  It is the best feeling in the world knowing that you have positively impacted a person’s life, even if it was just one person. My favorite experiences with Making Waves are when the girls catch their first wave. They are so stoked when they are finally able to stand up and ride a wave after falling a few (or a lot) of times. After standing on that first wave, it is even more motivation to want to do it again and again. It’s incredible to see how much happiness surfing and the ocean can bring to people!

Aside from Making Waves and school, what else are you involved in?

Michaela: I’m involved with a leadership program on campus, a service program, and tons of intramural sports, which are always fun!

Cameron: Most of my hours are spent rowing; last year I decided to stop playing basketball and volleyball and try something new, so I tried out for a club rowing team. I have loved every second of my time rowing and hope to row in college. I have also been involved in numerous leadership organizations that strengthen and instill leadership qualities in youth.

You both have a lot on your plate, how do you balance it all?

Michaela: It’s hard during school, but I just try to prioritize. When I get stressed, I just think of the most important things in life. It really puts it in perspective.

Cameron: It is definitely difficult to balance all the different aspects of my life; I have had my share of challenges and ups and downs that life throws at you. I have learned to set my priorities straight and really focus on what matters. In all the chaos, I have also learned to live in the moment and be grateful for the life, even the difficult moments, that you live.

Favorite quotation:

Michaela: “Don’t ask what the world needs. Do what makes you come alive because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

Cameron: “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” - William Shakespeare

What are your words of wisdom for young female surfers?

Cameron: Stay persistent and focused on your goals, but most importantly have fun! Surfing is a beautiful and incredible sport that a lot of people don’t have a chance to experience. We are all so lucky to have the opportunity to be able to surf; with that, enjoy every wave you catch and shred hard!

Michaela: If you’re having fun, then you’re the best surfer out there.

Who inspires you?

Michaela: People that devote their lives to helping others and making others happy – those people inspire me everyday.

What are you most grateful for?

Cameron: Sounds cheesey and cliché but, my family! Without them I don’t even want to think about where I would be. My mom and dad challenge and motivate me to be a better person, and they have taught me how important hard work and selflessness is. My three sisters are my best friends and inspire me to be the best person I can be.

What is next for Cameron and Michaela?

Although Michaela is in her sophomore year of college and Cameron is preparing to go off to college next year, we continue to promote our love of the ocean and Making Waves. We are so excited for next summer because we have a lot of new ideas and plans for Making Waves that we are so stoked to share! We are so blessed with the feedback we have already received after just one summer of Making Waves, and we can’t wait to see where Making Waves and life takes us! Life is incredibly busy, but incredibly amazing!